About Camelia


Born and raised in Canada, my passion to help others started from a young age. After completing high school I spent a summer doing volunteer work at an orphanage in Honduras and another summer running a non-profit virtues camp for children in the Caribbean. My desire to be of service to others led me to study psychology, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Victoria and a Masters in Education in Educational Psychology, specializing in Family Life Education, from McGill University. After graduation, I worked in corporate training and human resource management in Vancouver and Montreal.

Feeling like there was more to life than just work and play, I quit my job and moved to Haifa, Israel to do volunteer work at the Bahai World Center. I spend 18 months volunteering in the Human Resources department doing recruitment, relocation, and staff orientation programs. It was there that I met my husband and ended up moving to Stockholm, Sweden after our marriage.

Starting a new life in a new country gave me the opportunity to pursue a life-long dream of being an entrepreneur and turning a hobby into a business.
Camelia Safai

Starting a new life in a new country gave me the opportunity to pursue a life-long dream of being an entrepreneur and turning a hobby into a business. Shortly after moving to Stockholm, I purchased a café and started my own cupcake business. While I enjoyed the creativity of baking, the day-to-day running of the café was extremely demanding, and so when I was 8 months pregnant with my first child I ended up selling the café and started catering for events instead. I ran my business while being a full-time mom to two kids, but then I felt like I needed to get back to my roots of psychology and working with people.

Having always struggled with my weight and relationship with food, and after years of yo-yo dieting, I just felt that there was a piece missing in my weight loss journey. Even if I did all the “right things” like count calories, stop eating carbohydrates, go to the gym every day, I would lose some weight only to gain it back later. In my quest for this missing piece of my weight loss puzzle, I was immediately drawn to the new and exciting field of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind-Body Nutrition. I had finally found the missing piece and it has been life changing for me. I felt like this new knowledge had helped me and now I had to share it with others.

About My Training

I trained at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, the world’s leading school in Nutritional Psychology where I received my certification as an Eating Psychology Coach. In IPE's internationally acclaimed program, I learned powerful cutting-edge tools and protocols that enable me to work with weight issues, body image challenges, overeating, binge eating, and a variety of nutrition related health concerns such as digestion, fatigue, mood, immunity, and others. My work combines the powerful new fields of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind-Body Nutrition. The skills I use from this training are a combination of practical coaching techniques, results-oriented psychology, clinical nutrition, body-centered practices, mind-body science, and a positive and compassionate approach to challenges with food and health.