z Camelia Safai | Eating Psychology Coach

Contact and Services

I offer one-on-one counselling sessions in a format of your choice:

  • Online via Zoom or Facetime
  • Initial 90 minute Consultation

    This is to gather a comprehensive list of your background, lifestyle, diet, and health concerns, and begin working on strategies.

    Follow up 55 minute Consultations

    We will continue exploring areas of concern, delve deeper into various areas of your life, and implement additional strategies.

    If you need to cancel an appointment, you must provide at least 24 hours advanced notice, unless it is your initial consultation, in which case you must provide at least 3 business days advanced notice. If you do not do so, I reserve the right to charge you for a missed appointment.

    All prices include VAT. Forms of payment include cash, Swish, invoice, or Paypal. Coaching is not covered by insurance.

    Other Policies

    Confidentiality: Confidentiality is important to me. I will keep all information exchanged between us confidential. I will not disclose any information that you share with me with anyone else unless: 1) I believe you are at risk of being of danger to yourself or others, 2) when required by law, or 3) you have given me prior written permission.

    The Role of the Coach: The role of the coach is to assist with the improvement of eating challenges such as weight, overeating, binge eating, body image, chronic dieting, and nutrition related health concerns such as digestion, fatigue, mood, cognition, immunity and more. Coaching services are not to be construed as, or a replacement for psychotherapy, legal advice, or medical advice. If either of us recognizes that you have an issue that would benefit from medical or psychotherapeutic intervention, I will do my best to refer you to the appropriate resources.

    Responsibility: Ultimately, the coaching relationship is about you, the client, taking full responsibility for your actions, and your life. You enter into coaching with the understanding that you are responsible for creating your own decisions and results. You agree not to hold the coach liable for any outcomes resulting directly or indirectly from the coaching process.